The most necessary

and nothing more.

Design, assembly and supply of equipment

for teaching and research laboratories

Our contacts:

(812) 424-18-75

About U.S.

 The company's philosophy

 Our business philosophy is simple: we put our talents and technologies available in the development of excellent projects that help improve processes and make them innovative ideas .

Every day our employees implement this philosophy to life. Our company has gathered the brightest minds and they were provided with all the resources necessary to expand their capabilities . Therefore, all our projects improve and enrich the process .

Our values

We believe that the key to success - it's stable value. That is why at the heart of every decision are strict rules of conduct, as well as our core values ​​.


It's simple: the company - is its employees . We aim to give people the maximum opportunity for full-fledged professional implementation.


Everything we do is subject to constant pursuit of excellence and determination to develop market-leading products and services.


In today's dynamic global economic conditions, changes happen all the time , so innovation is vital to the success of the company. Our views towards the future , we anticipate the needs of the market , leading the company to long-term prosperity .


Ethics - is the foundation of our business. In everything we do, we are guided by a moral compass : integrity, respect for all stakeholders and full transparency .

Co- prosperity

Really can be successful only those businesses that creates opportunities for prosperity and realizing the potential of other people.


                                                                           We are always open for cooperation!